Our two copters (Quadro and Octocopter) use three axis-stabilised brushless gimbals. They have been built in Germany. This technic allows to turn the camera 360° around meanwhile the copter is flying in ever direction. The special fly controlers our copters allow a completely stable fly behavior.

The quadrocopter is used in confined areas or inside of buildings. The quadrocopter uses a gopro 3+ or 4+ black edition.

Our X-octocopter (2 x 4 rotors) is one of the most powerful engines in the market. With a Lumix GH4 it can fly more than 30 minutes.


The flight control unit has specialy been built for our copters.

A real Full HD picture is transmitted directly to a high contrasted HD Field monitor or an external recording system.


The octocopter can use a thermographic camera (IR) for controlling solar panels or isolation of buildings.


Both copters are fully insured (third party liability and omnium insurance).


We work since 2011 with copters from the sea to the Alps.